The following General Conditions of Sale regulate the offer and sale of services on this website (Site).
The services purchased on the Site are offered and sold by SqueezeMind, a company with registered office in Via Filippo Cordova, 59, registered in the Palermo Company Register at REA PA-314387, VAT number and tax code 06334160824, tel. 334. 9970336, e-mail: [email protected] (share capital iv Euro 10000,00).
The Site is owned by SqueezeMind, which is also the owner of the domain name for the Site.
1.1 The sale of services via the Site (Services) constitutes a distance contract governed by Chapter I, Title III (articles 45 et seq.) of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n. 206 (Consumer Code) and by Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70, containing the rules of electronic commerce.
1.2 The General Conditions of Sale may be modified at any time. Any modifications and/or new conditions will be in force from the moment of their publication on the Site. For this reason, users are invited to regularly access the Site and to consult, before making any purchase, the most updated version of the General Conditions of Sale. The applicable General Conditions of Sale are those in force on the date of sending the purchase order. The user is required to carefully read these General Conditions of Sale.
1.3 These General Conditions of Sale do not regulate the sale of services and/or the provision of services by parties other than SqueezeMind that are present on the Site via links, banners or other hypertext links. Before carrying out commercial transactions with such parties, it is necessary to verify their conditions of sale. SqueezeMind is not responsible for the provision of services and/or the sale of services by such parties. SqueezeMind does not carry out any checks and/or monitoring on the websites that can be consulted via such links. SqueezeMind is therefore not responsible for the contents of such sites nor for any errors and/or omissions and/or violations of the law by the same.
2.1 Access to sales made through the Site is reserved exclusively for users who are 18 years of age or older.
2.2 Access to the offers on the Site is permitted both to users who are consumers, as defined by art. 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree 206/2005 (Consumer Code), meaning natural persons who, in relation to the purchase of the Services, act for purposes unrelated to any commercial, artisanal, entrepreneurial or professional activity they may carry out, and to users who are not consumers pursuant to this definition.
2.3 SqueezeMind reserves the right to refuse or cancel purchases that come from (i) a user with whom it has an ongoing legal dispute; (ii) a user who has previously violated these General Conditions of Sale and/or the conditions and/or terms of a purchase contract with SqueezeMind; (iii) a user who has been involved in fraud of any kind and, in particular, fraud relating to credit card payments; (iv) users who have provided false, incomplete or otherwise inaccurate identification data.
3.1 To make one or more purchases of Services on the Site, it is necessary to register on the same. Registration on the Site is free. To register on the Site, the user must fill out the registration form accessible from the "Register" link on any page of the Site. Registration on the Site allows the user to carry out, through a reserved and personal area (Profile), among others, the following activities:
3.2 The registration credentials must be used exclusively by the user and cannot be transferred to third parties. The user undertakes to keep them secret and to ensure that no one has access to them, as well as to inform SqueezeMind without delay, by contacting it as indicated in art. 9, in case of suspected improper use and/or disclosure of the same. The user guarantees that the personal information provided during the registration procedure on the Site is complete and truthful. The user agrees to hold SqueezeMind harmless from any damage, compensation obligation and/or sanction deriving from and/or in any way connected to the violation by the user of the rules on registration on the Site or on the storage of the registration credentials.
4.1 In compliance with Legislative Decree 9 April 2003, n. 70 containing provisions on electronic commerce, SqueezeMind informs the user that:
4.2 The language available to users for the conclusion of the contract is Italian and English. Customer Service is able to communicate with users in both Italian and English.
5.1 All prices for the Services are expressed in Euros and include Value Added Tax ("VAT").
5.2 The price of the Services may be modified by SqueezeMind at any time, without notice, it being understood that the price charged to the user will be the one published on the Site at the time the order is sent. Any variations (increases or decreases) in price subsequent to the transmission of the order will not be taken into account.
5.3 The User may purchase the Services based on the tariff plan published from time to time on the Site.
6.1 Payment for the Services can be made using the Stripe payment solution.
6.2 The commercial invoice will be issued automatically for each purchase. The invoice will be issued based on the information provided by the user, which he declares and guarantees to be true, and he undertakes to hold SqueezeMind harmless and indemnified from any damage, including sanctions issued by the competent authorities, that may arise in the event of the information not being true.
6.3 Upon payment, the user will be redirected to the site where he/she will pay for the Services according to the procedure provided and regulated by Stripe and the terms and conditions of the contract agreed between the user and Stripe. The data entered on the Stripe site will be processed directly by the same and will not be transmitted or shared with SqueezeMind. The latter is therefore not able to know and does not store in any way the data of the credit card connected to the user's Stripe account or the data of any other payment instrument connected to that account.
6.4 The amount due for the purchased Service will be charged by Stripe to the user at the same time as the conclusion of the contract via the Site (which, we remind you, is concluded when the order for the Service reaches the SqueezeMind server). In the event of termination of the purchase contract and in any other case of reimbursement, for any reason, the amount of the reimbursement due to the user will be credited to the Stripe account of the same. The times of crediting to the payment instrument connected to that account depend exclusively on Stripe and the banking system. Once the credit order has been placed in favor of that account, SqueezeMind cannot be held responsible for any delays or omissions in crediting the user with the reimbursement amount, to contest which the user must contact Stripe directly.
7.1 The Services purchasable on the Site have digital content provided on a non-material medium.
7.2 SqueezeMind reminds the user that art. 59, paragraph I, letter o) of the Consumer Code provides for the exclusion of the right of withdrawal for the supply of digital content through a non-material medium if the execution has begun with the express agreement of the consumer and with his acceptance of the fact that in this case he would have lost the right of withdrawal. Therefore, in relation to the purchase of the Services on the Site, the right of withdrawal pursuant to art. 52 of the Consumer Code is excluded.
7.3 Before purchasing one or more Services on the Site, SqueezeMind will give the user adequate notice of the absence of the right of withdrawal.
8.1 Contracts concluded between users of the Site and SqueezeMind are governed by Italian law. The application to consumer users who do not have their habitual residence in Italy of any more favorable and mandatory provisions provided for by the law of the country in which they have their habitual residence is reserved, in particular in relation to the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal, the deadline for returning the Services, in the event of exercising this right, the methods and formalities of communicating the same and the legal guarantee of conformity.
8.2 Please remember that in the case of a consumer user, any dispute relating to the application, execution and interpretation of these General Conditions of Sale will be subject to the jurisdiction of the court of the place where the user resides or has elected domicile.
8.3 Pursuant to art. 141-sexies, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, n.206 (Consumer Code), SqueezeMind informs the user who qualifies as a consumer pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consumer Code, that, in the event that he has submitted a complaint directly to SqueezeMind, following which it has not been possible to resolve the dispute thus arising, SqueezeMind will provide information regarding the Alternative Dispute Resolution body or bodies for the extrajudicial resolution of disputes relating to obligations arising from a contract concluded on the basis of these General Conditions of Sale (so-called ADR bodies, as indicated in articles 141-bis et seq. of the Consumer Code), specifying whether or not he intends to avail himself of such bodies to resolve the dispute itself. SqueezeMind also informs the user who qualifies as a consumer pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consumer Code that a European platform for the online resolution of consumer disputes (so-called ODR platform) has been established. The ODR platform can be consulted at the following address; through the ODR platform the consumer user will be able to consult the list of ADR bodies, find the link to the website of each of them and start an online dispute resolution procedure in which he is involved. In any case, the consumer user's right to bring the dispute arising from these General Conditions of Sale before the competent ordinary judge is reserved, whatever the outcome of the out-of-court settlement procedure for disputes relating to consumer relationships by resorting to the procedures referred to in Part V, Title II-bis of the Consumer Code.
8.4 The user who resides in a member state of the European Union other than Italy, may also access, for any dispute relating to the application, execution and interpretation of these General Conditions of Sale, the European procedure established for small claims disputes, by Regulation (EC) no. 861/2007 of the Council, of 11 July 2007, provided that the value of the dispute does not exceed, excluding interest, rights and expenses, Euro 2,000.00. The text of the regulation can be found on the website
9.1 You can request information, send communications, request assistance or forward complaints by contacting Customer Service using the following methods:
9.2 SqueezeMind will respond to complaints submitted within five working days of receiving them.